Create an account
An account is required for SSL cert application. You can create the account in the beginning and reuse it after.
Example #1: create a LetsEncrypt Staging account
const directory = await Directory.from('LetsEncrypt', 'staging')
const account = await Account.useDirectory(directory)
contact: [''],
termsOfServiceAgreed: true
// private key in jwk format
const privateJwk = await account.exportPrivateKey()
// public key in jwk format
const publicJwk = await account.exportPublicKey()
Query a existing account by Key
Example #2: You can use the existing key to query corresponding account(url)
// WARNING: do NOT use this key in production
const privateKey = {
crv: "P-256",
d: "ixN_RbGM7AQUPB4PVdk9a7TS7AdfM2Gabl1oC3OrLq8",
ext: true,
key_ops: [ "sign" ],
kty: "EC",
x: "xD1jie65r_ecER0zO7nzi5g-FIqRd2-AO3rEenP2JBg",
y: "iBMI7_wDeyxIYkhaRXgzywKU89_vScvEpmFg9qvikeA"
const directory = await Directory.from('LetsEncrypt', 'staging')
const account = await Account.useDirectory(directory).from({ key: privateKey })
await account.create({
onlyReturnExisting: true
console.log('Account url is ', account.url)
Initializing a existed account
Two params are required: private JsonWebKey and account's url
Example #3 Initializing a existed account
// privateKey defined in Example #2
const accountUrl = ``
const directory = await Directory.from('LetsEncrypt', 'staging')
const account = await Account.useDirectory(directory).from({
key: privateKey,
url: accountUrl
That's it
Google EAB credentials
if external account binding is required like Google/ZeroSSL, you can use Account.withEabKey(kid, hmacKey)
to specify the EAB credentials.
const kid = '__kid_from_google_console__'
const hmacKey = '__hmac_from_google_console__'
const directory = await Directory.from('Google', 'staging')
const account = await Account.useDirectory(directory).
withEabKey(kid, hmacKey)
contact: [''],
termsOfServiceAgreed: true